Together with Business Partners
In the aim of being a company that continuously grows together with our business partners, we encourage open and fair corporate activities, steadily promote sustainability initiatives, and work to ensure that transactions with all of our business partners are fair, in compliance with laws and regulations, and conducted with respect for human rights, based on those business partnerships.
Fair and Equitable Transactions
Related party transactions
CDC has a basic policy stating that it shall not engage in transactions with related parties in principle. If CDC does conduct such a transaction, the Accounting Section examines the content and the monetary amount, and the Audit and Supervisory Committee also performs a check.
Prohibition of insider trading
CDC shall not use information obtained in the course of business to purchase or sell shares and other securities, nor shall CDC provide benefits or advantages to third parties by using such information.
Transactions with Respect for Human Rights
Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
CDC shall prohibit forced labor and child labor and shall provide decent work so that working people can engage in active and humane jobs of their own free will. Also, CDC shall never tolerate modern slavery in any form, including human trafficking, and shall not do business with companies that engage in such practices.