CDC's Policy on Climate Change
CDC's policy of corporate ethics stipulates that we shall engage in activities to preserve resources in order to harmonize our business activities with the preservation of the global environment, recognizing that we are a member of society. We are working to mitigate the environmental impact of our business and we are implementing education and activities to raise environmental awareness among employees. In October 2023, we announced our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and simultaneously joined the TCFD Consortium.
We shall disclose information based on the recommendations of TCFD as follows. We shall continue to consider and work on appropriate information disclosure.
Governance Structure
Our Board of Directors shall deliberate and make decisions on various policies and important matters that contribute to the achievement of sustainability, including measures against climate change issues. For measures against climate change issues, the Management Committee shall deliberate and make decisions on policies and measures, and report their progress to the Board of Directors. Any policies and measures related to climate change decided upon by the Management Committee shall be coordinated under the initiative of the Director in charge of corporate planning and promoted in cooperation with each division of CDC.
With reference to the 4°C and 2°C scenarios published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and other external organizations, we have identified and assessed risks and opportunities related to our Group's business and formulated strategies to address them. We referred to the scenarios with the greatest impacts in the items of risks and opportunities, respectively.

Risk Management
Based on the Risk Management Regulations, which stipulate the basic matters concerning risk management, we strive to monitor risks from day to day and we are considering how to address new anticipated risks in cooperation with the responsible departments under the initiative of the Director in charge of corporate planning. Particularly important risks shall be reported to the Board of Directors for discussion and instructions on countermeasures. We are also managing, assessing, and monitoring risks related to climate change under this framework. Particularly important risks shall be reported to the Board of Directors for discussion and provision of instructions on countermeasures by the Director in charge of corporate planning.
Indicators and Targets
As measures against climate change, we are working to measure and disclose GHG emissions and improve energy efficiency. We will promote the reduction of GHG emissions by going paperless and promoting energy-saving activities in offices. Please refer to our ESG Data for information on GHG emissions.